Thank you parents for a successful workday!

With the great turn out, strong arms and talented group of parents on Sunday, 10/16, we:

Colorful cutouts

-remounted all the beautiful cutouts on the fences

-moved the planters at the Bungalows into place and transplanted the vines–much strength went into this one

-Cleaned out the garden

-Cleaned out the shed in the forest

-Cleaned the solar panels–special thanks to Tim for the solo solar caretaking!

-Moved the picnic tables so they are lined up


Moving the planters

Buh-bye bamboo

-Dug up the bamboo in the back so no more prickly poky sticks coming out of the ground–special thanks to Jeremy for the solo pic axe herculean effort!

-Cleaned up the trash

-Cleaned out the big tree well

-Made even more progress on the mosaics with Laila

It really looks beautiful!

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